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death是什么意思 death的意思

來源:懂視網(wǎng) 責編:小OO 時間:2022-04-01 11:36:59

death是什么意思 death的意思

1、[c] 死;死亡 the fact of sb dying or being killed。2、[U] 生命的終止;死亡狀態(tài) the end of life; the state of being dead。3、[U] ~ of sth永久的滅亡;毀滅;破滅 the permanent end or destruction of sth.
導(dǎo)讀1、[c] 死;死亡 the fact of sb dying or being killed。2、[U] 生命的終止;死亡狀態(tài) the end of life; the state of being dead。3、[U] ~ of sth永久的滅亡;毀滅;破滅 the permanent end or destruction of sth.

1、[c] 死;死亡 the fact of sb dying or being killed.

2、[U] 生命的終止;死亡狀態(tài) the end of life; the state of being dead.

3、[U] ~ of sth永久的滅亡;毀滅;破滅 the permanent end or destruction of sth.

聲明:本網(wǎng)頁內(nèi)容旨在傳播知識,若有侵權(quán)等問題請及時與本網(wǎng)聯(lián)系,我們將在第一時間刪除處理。TEL:0731-84117792 E-MAIL:11247931@qq.com


death是什么意思 death的意思

1、[c] 死;死亡 the fact of sb dying or being killed。2、[U] 生命的終止;死亡狀態(tài) the end of life; the state of being dead。3、[U] ~ of sth永久的滅亡;毀滅;破滅 the permanent end or destruction of sth.
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