時長:00:00更新時間:2022-05-04 00:16:53
3.We have holidays to suit every purse.(我們有適合不同消費計劃的度假安排。)6.Ive searched high and low for my purse.(我到處找我的錢包。)
  • 朋友的例句和造句

    3. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.囊中有錢,不如朝中有友。4. A friend is a second self.朋友是另一個我。5. A friend is best found in adversity.患難見真友。6. A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患難時,永遠不能認識真正的朋友。7. A...
  • 用thereis造句大全

    1、There is ice on the lake.湖上有冰。2、There is a car in the street.街上有一只貓。3、There is some money in the purse.錢包里有些錢.4、There is a bird in the tree.樹上有一只鳥.5、There is an apple on the table.桌子上有一個蘋果。
  • 錢包的意思?

    英wallet; purse;國語辭典簡編本 錢包「ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄅㄠ」裝錢的袋子。造句上公車時,應將自己的錢包保管好,以免被小偷扒走。國語辭典修訂本 錢包「ㄑ一ㄢˊ ㄅㄠ」⒈ 裝錢的袋子。例如:「上公車時,應將自己的錢包保管好,以免被小偷扒走?!挂C解釋 ⒈ 裝錢的小包。引老舍 《四...
  • 用there be造句,10句,快。

    there is a flower in the bottle.瓶里有一朵花。there is some money in the purse.錢包里有些錢。here is a boy,a girl and two women in the house.房子里有一個男孩,一個女孩和兩個婦女。there are ten students and a teacher in the office.辦公室里有十個學生和一個教師。there are...
  • 英語造句的題

    5. As I was getting on the bus, I realized that I had left my purse at home.(當 ...時)As is mentioned above, he never came back to his hometown. (正如...那樣,引導非限制性定語從句)6. He failed the exam because he was too lazy and he never studied hard.We ...
  • Be made up of 造句

    China is made up of 34 provinces.中國由34個省組成。Our class is made up of 60 students.我們班由60名同學組成
  • 絲線的單詞絲線的單詞是什么

  • 英語用there is 造句

    There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house.房子里有一個男孩,一個女孩和兩個婦女。There is a car in the street There is some money in the purse. 錢包里有些錢。There is a bird in the tree. 樹上有一只鳥。
  • 英文造句lose怎么做???

    We lost our soccor game.I lose control of the present situation.He is losing his breath, he need his rest.Over the years, I have lost touch with my friends.Did you lose weight?I've lost interest in jazz, because they all ended up sounding the same.I have made a lot of...
  • 特殊疑問詞【英語】造句要20句,急!!!

    my papers?誰亂動了我的文件了?17 Who knocked off my purse ?誰偷了我的錢包呢?18 Why do you suspect the truth of the information?你為什么憑空懷疑這消息的真實性?19 Why do you collect stamps?你為什么要收藏郵票?20 Why didn't you telephone last night?你昨天晚上為什么沒打電話?
  • 1、右擊PDF文件。2、將鼠標懸浮在“打開方式”,點擊選擇其他應用。3、接著在應用列表中,點擊Word,再點擊確定。4、然后在彈窗中點擊確定,等待轉換完成。5、點擊上方“文件”,再點擊另存為。6、選擇保存文件的位置,點擊保存即可。
  • 可通過第三方軟件修復,以瘋師傅蘋果修復大師為例,1、打開瘋師傅蘋果修復大師。2、選擇標準模式,通過數(shù)據(jù)線連接電腦與手機。3、選擇設備類型,進入DFU模式。4、下載好固件包,點擊開始修復。如果按照此方法還是不行,則只能送去維修店進行維修了。
  • 員工因工作遭受事故傷害或者患職業(yè)病需要暫停工作一段時間接受工傷醫(yī)療的,用人單位需要負責,要進行工傷鑒定,確定工傷傷殘程度。在停工留薪期間內,原工資福利待遇不變,由所在單位按月支付。
  • 蘋果手機設置鈴聲的方法:首先進入設置頁面,下拉點擊聲音與觸感選項(版本低的ios叫聲音)。其次,選擇電話鈴聲,就能看到各種手機鈴聲了??梢渣c擊試聽,選擇你喜歡的一個,這樣鈴聲就設置好了。
  • 柿子能促進血液中乙醇的氧化,幫助機體對酒精的排泄,減少酒精對人體傷害。柿子還能有效補充人體養(yǎng)分及細胞內液,起到潤肺生津的作用。柿子還有助于降低血壓,軟化血管,增加冠狀動脈流量,并且能活血消炎,改善心血管功能。

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