the number of axes (dimensions) of the array. In the Python world, the number of dimensions is referred to as rank.
the dimensions of the array. This is a tuple of integers indicating the size of the array in each dimension. For a matrix with n rows and m columns, shape will be (n,m). The length of the shape tuple is therefore the rank, or number of dimensions, ndim.
the total number of elements of the array. This is equal to the product of the elements of shape.
an object describing the type of the elements in the array. One can create or specify dtype’s using standard Python types. Additionally NumPy provides types of its own. numpy.int32, numpy.int16, and numpy.float64 are some examples.
the size in bytes of each element of the array. For example, an array of elements of type float64 has itemsize 8 (=64/8), while one of type complex32 has itemsize 4 (=32/8). It is equivalent to ndarray.dtype.itemsize.
the buffer containing the actual elements of the array. Normally, we won’t need to use this attribute because we will access the elements in an array using indexing facilities.
>>> import numpy as np>>> a = np.array([2,3,4])>>> a array([2, 3, 4])>>> a.dtype dtype('int64')>>> b = np.array([1.2, 3.5, 5.1])>>> b.dtype dtype('float64')
>>> b = np.array([(1.5,2,3), (4,5,6)])>>> b array([[ 1.5, 2. , 3. ], [ 4. , 5. , 6. ]])
>>> c = np.array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ], dtype=complex )>>> c array([[ 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j], [ 3.+0.j, 4.+0.j]])
>>> np.zeros( (3,4) ) array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> np.ones( (2,3,4), dtype=np.int16 ) # dtype can also be specified array([[[ 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1, 1]], [[ 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=int16) >>> np.empty( (2,3) ) # uninitialized, output may vary array([[ 3.73603959e-262, 6.02658058e-154, 6.55490914e-260], [ 5.30498948e-313, 3.14673309e-307, 1.00000000e+000]])
>>> np.arange( 10, 30, 5 ) array([10, 15, 20, 25]) >>> np.arange( 0, 2, 0.3 ) # it accepts float arguments array([ 0. , 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8]) >>> from numpy import pi >>> np.linspace( 0, 2, 9 ) # 9 numbers from 0 to 2 array([ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. , 1.25, 1.5 , 1.75, 2. ]) >>> x = np.linspace( 0, 2*pi, 100 ) # useful to evaluate function at lots of points >>> f = np.sin(x)
>>> a = np.array( [20,30,40,50] ) >>> b = np.arange( 4 ) >>> b array([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> c = a-b >>> c array([20, 29, 38, 47]) >>> b**2 array([0, 1, 4, 9]) >>> 10*np.sin(a) array([ 9.12945251, -9.88031624, 7.4511316 , -2.62374854]) >>> a<35 array([ True, True, False, False], dtype=bool)
matlab中有.* ,./等等
>>> import numpy as np>>> A = np.arange(10,20)>>> B = np.arange(20,30)>>> A + B array([30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48])>>> A * B array([200, 231, 264, 299, 336, 375, 416, 459, 504, 551])>>> A / B array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])>>> B / A array([2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> A = np.array([1,1,1,1]) >>> B = np.array([2,2,2,2]) >>> A.reshape(2,2) array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]) >>> B.reshape(2,2) array([[2, 2], [2, 2]]) >>> A * B array([2, 2, 2, 2]) >>>,B) 8 >>> 8
>>> B = np.arange(3) >>> B array([0, 1, 2]) >>> np.exp(B) array([ 1. , 2.71828183, 7.3890561 ]) >>> np.sqrt(B) array([ 0. , 1. , 1.41421356]) >>> C = np.array([2., -1., 4.]) >>> np.add(B, C) array([ 2., 0., 6.])
>>> a = np.arange(10)**3 >>> a array([ 0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729]) >>> a[2] 8 >>> a[2:5] array([ 8, 27, 64]) >>> a[:6:2] = -1000 # equivalent to a[0:6:2] = -1000; from start to position 6, exclusive, set every 2nd element to -1000 >>> a array([-1000, 1, -1000, 27, -1000, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729]) >>> a[ : :-1] # reversed a array([ 729, 512, 343, 216, 125, -1000, 27, -1000, 1, -1000]) >>> for i in a: ... print(i**(1/3.)) ... nan 1.0 nan 3.0 nan 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
>>> import numpy as np >>> b = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4) >>> for row in b: ... print(row) ... [0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11] [12 13 14 15] >>> for node in b.flat: ... print(node) ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
>>> a = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((3,4))) >>> a array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5.], [ 5., 5., 8., 9.], [ 5., 5., 9., 7.]]) >>> a.ravel() array([ 6., 5., 1., 5., 5., 5., 8., 9., 5., 5., 9., 7.]) >>> a array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5.], [ 5., 5., 8., 9.], [ 5., 5., 9., 7.]])
>>> a array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5.], [ 5., 5., 8., 9.], [ 5., 5., 9., 7.]]) >>> a.reshape(2,-1) array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5., 5., 5.], [ 8., 9., 5., 5., 9., 7.]]) >>> a array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5.], [ 5., 5., 8., 9.], [ 5., 5., 9., 7.]]) >>> a.resize(2,6) >>> a array([[ 6., 5., 1., 5., 5., 5.], [ 8., 9., 5., 5., 9., 7.]])
>>> a = np.floor(10*np.random.random((2,2)))>>> a array([[ 8., 8.], [ 0., 0.]])>>> b = np.floor(10*np.random.random((2,2)))>>> b array([[ 1., 8.], [ 0., 4.]])>>> np.vstack((a,b)) array([[ 8., 8.], [ 0., 0.], [ 1., 8.], [ 0., 4.]])>>> np.hstack((a,b)) array([[ 8., 8., 1., 8.], [ 0., 0., 0., 4.]])
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